tirsdag 6. mai 2014

[ SDL2 - Part 6 ] Loading textures

Loading textures

In this tutorial you will learn how to load images ( just bmp for now, the next part wil cover .png ). First of all, a little info about the two new structs we'll be using


This is part of the old SDL ( < 2.0. ) It was used for just about everything related to rendering.

SDL_Surface is used for holding the raw texture data. Basially it says what the color for every pixels is. Sort of like this :
  • pixel( 0, 0 ) = 128, 64, 255, 255 ( 128 red, 64 green, 255 blue, 255 alpha )
  • pixel( 1, 0 ) = 255, 32, 128, 128 ( 255 red, 32 green, 128 blue, 128 alpha )

( This  might not be 100% true for all cases, but it's generally how SDL_Surface stores the pixels. )

The SDL_Surface structure also holds other data about the texture.
  • width/height ( these are read-only )
  • the pixel format, stores as an SDL_PixelFormat
  • clip_rec, a SDL_Rect used for bliting ( similar to rendering )
These values are useful to know about if you want to create your own SDL_Surfaces using code or want to use the old form of rendering ( bliting ). I do, however, not recommend learning about it. Bliting is less intuitive and it uses only software rendering. This basically means that the CPU will be doing the rendering, somthing CPUs are really bad at. We want optimized hardware rendering on the GPU. And that's where the second struct comes in.


Like SDL_Surface, SDL_Texture holds texture data. But unlike SDL_Surface, SDL_Texture holds an optimized, driver specific representation of the pixel data. This means rendering will be executed on the GPU, where it belongs. And THAT means it is really, really fast!

So what's the point of SDL_Textures?

Well, as I said, the pixel data in SDL_Texture is optimized. And what's more, it can be very different depending on your driver ( nVidia vs ATI. ) Basically this means that you can't use the pixel data for anything other than rendering. A second reason will come up when we dive into another new part of SDL, namely image loading.

Loading images

Loading a BMP image in SDL is very easy. It can be done using the following function
SDL_Surface* SDL_LoadBMP
    const char* file
  • file - the file we want to load
Return value
  • SDL_Surface* - the loaded image as a SDL_Surface. null if failed. 

But we're not gonna use the SDL_Surface*, we want a SDL_Texture* instead. To get it, we need to use a second function :
SDL_Texture* SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface
   SDL_Renderer* renderer,
   SDL_Surface* surface
  • renderer - our SDL_Renderer
  • surface - the surface we want to make a SDL_Texture from
Return value
  • SDL_Texture* - The resulting SDL_Texture. null if failed. 

Since we won't be using the SDL_Surface, we can delete it and free the memory :
void SDL_FreeSurface
   SDL_Surface* surface

  • surface - the SDL_Surface to delete
Return value
  • none

Now that all of this is in place, we can wrap it all up in a nice little function :

Getting the images on screen

Now that we have loaded the textures, we need to render then on screen. That means no more SDL_RenderFillRect() and THAT means no more rectangles and squares. Finally! To render them, we just need a simple function :

int SDL_RenderCopy
   SDL_Renderer* renderer,
   SDL_Texture* texture,
   const SDL_Rect* srcrect,
   const SDL_Rect* dstrect

  • renderer - the SDL_Renderer we always use for rendering
  • texture - the SDL_Texture we want to render
  • srcrect - which part of the SDL_Texture to render. null for everything.
  • dstrect - where to render it. Used exactly like in SDL_RenderFillRect)
Return value
  • 0 on success

Even though this function has a few parameters, it's really quite simple. We can use null for srcrect and the SDL_Rects we used for SDL_RenderFillRect() as dstrect. And then we can remove the SDL_SetRenderDrawColor and end up with a LOT shorter Render() function.

Putting it all together

I'm not gonna put the entire code on the blog anymore since this creates a whole wall of text to scroll through. And now there is added images too. But you can download the images and the source code here.

Feel free to comment if you have anything to say or ask questions if anything is unclear. I always appreciate getting comments.

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